
Before he retired, my father was a police officer. This meant being frequently transferred, so our family remained on the move, and I was brought up in places as far apart as Kumarsain and Haflong, Srinagar and Gwalior. In 1985, however, we came to Delhi, and that is where I lived till 2017, when I moved to Noida, just across the river.

My long stint in Delhi—and my affection for the city and its considerable historical heritage—were directly responsible for my debut novel: a historical detective story called The Englishman’s Cameo. Published by Hachette India, The Englishman’s Cameo was launched in October 2009, with a French edition released in 2010 by Editions Philippe Picquier. The Englishman’s Cameo was well received, and was followed by The Eighth Guest & Other Muzaffar Jang Mysteries (a collection of short stories), Engraved in Stone, and Crimson City (the latter two novels).

In October 2021, I began yet another series of historical novels: a four-book series called the Delhi Quartet, which will tell the stories of several interconnected families against a backdrop of 800 years of Delhi’s history. The first book in this series, The Garden of Heaven, begins in 1188 CE and goes up to 1398 CE, with a family of stone masons at the centre of the entire tale, though some familiar names like Razia Sultan and Amir Khusro also appear as characters in the book.

Besides writing novels, I also write short stories. I explore various genres: humour, crime and detective, social issues, romance, etc. Several of my short stories have won awards and competitions, such as the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association’s Short Story Competition in 2003 for the story A Morning Swim; and Oxfordbookstore’s e-Author version 4.0 Competition in 2006, for a collection of 5 shorts. In 2016, my story, Poppies in the Snow, was longlisted for the EFG Sunday Times Short Story Prize, the world’s richest short story prize, making me the first Indian to get that far in the competition.

To balance the fiction with something else: I also write on food and cooking; on travel; and occasional humorous articles.

And I write about old cinema.

This particular site started off being a film blog, a place where I could talk about one of my passions: old films. I’m mad about old films, old music, old just about anything. Dusted Off was, for nearly six years, exclusively devoted to old cinema: it featured reviews of old films, both English and Hindi, generally ranging from the 40’s (the 30’s for Hollywood and British cinema, for which prints are more easily available) through the 60’s; reviews of some international films (again, all pre-70s); and `top ten’ lists, for my ten favourites of any topic I’ve chosen – the most beautiful women in Hindi cinema, ten of my favourite Sahir Ludhianvi songs, whatever.

In 2014, though, I decided to merge Dusted Off with my other site (on which I used to write about other things – Muzaffar Jang, history, my other writings). After all, I reasoned: just about everything I am so fond of seems to be old. Old cinema. A 17th century detective. Historical monuments. So Dusted Off becomes everything dusted off, not just old movies.


131 thoughts on “About

  1. Love your blog. Keep up the good work, friend. Did you or will you write about ’12 Angry Men’ (Henry Fonda) or ‘The Out Of Towners’ (the original one starring Jack Lemmon) ?? Just a couple favorite picks from two different genre as one is a classic courtroom drama and other is madcap comedy…Thx!!!


  2. Thank you so much! You’ve really made my day with your encouraging comments! :-)

    I haven’t seen either of the two films you’ve recommended, though I’ve been meaning to see Twelve Angry Men ever since a friend reviewed it (and compared it to Ek Ruka Hua Faisla. Will search for it more diligently now – and for The Out of Towners. Thank you for the recommendations!


  3. Hi Human there,

    Dont know how to refer since couldnt find ur name and wont like to use google to do a backsearch on the novel(believe too much off googling will leave me with a dumb mind with big on hard disk but low on CPU). Though have seen many old movies, oh just a minute let me add might, might have seen many old movies but never have was a writer enough to express it effectively in words. So have to thank the one writing this blog And then just couldnt resist google, so thanks for the wonderful expression of thought Madhulika.(ahem i cheated actually found ur name in the copywright info).

    umm am an actor currently active in theater and if everything goes well (it has to since no godfather and too much money— a silly engineer by qualication) would be able to make a living life out of it.

    Hope we could stay in touch while the fact even the mention of an actor(of course unestablished one) is enough to keep most of the people away. But then i had my share of exceptions and believe in the unknown power.

    Regards and Cheers


    • Aniel, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment – and such a heart-warming comment too! Thanks so much – you really made my day.

      Ah, theatre sounds much like writing/publishing – no godfather, means a lot of hard work and no certainty of success – but then it also means creativity and doing what you like, so (for someone like me, at least) I guess that is compensation to some extent…

      Why should the mention of an actor – established or not – keep people away? Certainly not. All are welcome on my blog, and I’ve made some very good friends just because of this blog. Drop by again!


  4. I really liked your blog, I came to your blog searching about the film Saathi of Rajendra Kumar who I like the most among Indian actors. The song Mera Pyar bhi tu hai……just awesome. Though I am a journalist I am not able to gather the guts required to write on films. I am Raj Kapur fan and love old musical hits.

    I wish all the best to you to continue writing on what I love and you too love……old films!!


    • Thank you for visiting my blog, and for leaving a comment! Do come back (by the way, since you’re a Raj Kapoor fan – you might like to read my latest review, which is for Teesri Kasam).


  5. Thank you for telling me about yourself, The Bolly Hood! I’ve had a very cursory glance at your blog – looks interesting – and will certainly go back later for a more detailed read!


  6. I have always loved your blog but, of course, been a lurker. Read your essay in The Popcorn Essayists and realised had to finally leave a comment. Great work.


    • You really do need to give more details. What memorabilia? Posters? Lobby cards? Whose, or which films? If it was a Shammi Kapoor still from Junglee or China Town, for instance, I’d be very interested. But I can think of a lot of other ‘rare’ memorabilia that wouldn’t interest me at all. Frankly, I collect for myself, not for resale – so I collect memorabilia of actors and films I really like.


      • Hi. Thanks for your reply. If you say about Junglee I have a press/film booklet which is autographed. But I think its the most costly and priced item because when me and Shammiji evaluated stuff that was one of the top things. Vintage posters include Kashmir Ki Kali, Jaane Anjaane, Evening in Paris, Manoranjan. Please follow this page – http://www.facebook.com/shammikapoor.fanpage which is the official fan club page. I am updating it with the collection for sale. Alternately add me on facebook. We can continue discussions there.



  7. Hey
    I just finished reading your first book- and I must say that it was a thoroughly enjoyable read, especially for someone like me, who is a sucker for both history and mystery.

    The things I liked the best about the book were-
    It is extremely well written and the dialogues are very engaging. The main characters are really likable- in fact you have managed to create an immensely magnetic central character- which few books manage to do convincingly.
    The narrative is highly visual. While reading the book I would imagine Delhi as it would have been at that time…
    The mystery is engaging (Though I must admit I had a feeling that the guy who was the culprit would be the culprit- no overt hints or clues you have given as such- but I think it came out in the way the character was presented I guess)
    Everything is coherent and connected- The mystery is a bit complicated but everything seems to be tied up pretty nicely… And the climax is highly satisfying…
    I loved the way you have presented the relationship between Jang- his sister and his brother in law…

    I would like to make one or two suggestions, seeing that you are taking this character and the series forward-

    First. You may use certain authentic words from that time (urdu or persian to add to the effect). For instance you have used words like maid, bodyguard, pond, trade (nouns I guess)- as a reader I would have been a bit more fascinated if I would have seen the language of that time (This is one thing I loved about The White Moghul)

    Second, I was hoping that the real life events, (that actually transpired at the time), which have been mentioned in the backdrop many a times, would be connected somewhat to the plot of the book- so I was hoping that it would be a mix of fiction and history-

    But of course the purpose of the book, I think, is to entertain and to take us to a world which we are not very familiar with per say- I think the book managed to do that magnificently… I would be eager to read the sequel that is out recently…

    And glad that I am in some kind of correspondence with such a famous writer!



    • Piyush, thank you – both for your appreciation, and very especially for taking the time to list everything you liked (or didn’t!) about the book. I’m so glad you thought it an enjoyable read.

      I deliberately didn’t use too much Urdu/Persian in The Englishman’s Cameo – and, would you believe it, even with whatever Urdu I did use, one fairly prominent reviewer lambasted the book by complaining about the fact that it didn’t include a glossary! Oh, well… you can’t please everybody, I guess. :-(

      When it comes to real life events from the time, I think you’d probably like the sequel, The Eighth Guest & Other Muzaffar Jang Mysteries, more – while it may not have a direct relation to what was actually happening in the Mughal empire at the time, there are a number of references to real people, real buildings (some of which have long since disappeared) and so on. The third book in the series – which will probably be released in 2012 – has even more of that.

      Thanks again!


      • The pleasure is all mine :)

        Ya it is not easy to please everyone- prominent book reviewers usually suffer from the habit of over-criticizing- in the process may be they lose the common audience’s perspective- a lack of glossary is a shameful reason to lambast a book like this!

        Looking forward to reading the sequels as and when you are ready with them- Will order ‘The Eight Guest’ soon…


        • I suppose there’s a tendency among book reviewers to think that unless a book is Booker material, every little error in it must be pointed out and dwelled upon! I don’t mind people giving constructive criticism – it eventually does help me, so I am actually grateful to those who have pointed out both the good and the bad in my writing… but that particular tirade was just too one-sided and discouraging!

          Thank you, again, Piyush – you bolster my spirits no end. :-)


  8. Madhu – When’s the second book coming out? Need to carry back one for Greta as well. Enjoyed the first one immensely. I may have mentioned earlier, love Lindsay Davis’ Falco series on Rome and yours was right up there.


  9. I reached your blog thanks to ‘Songs of Yore’ .
    It is indeed very heartening to note that so much of passionate work is still being on those vintage – to call films of 50s and 60s as vintage seems strange – Hindi films.
    Thanks to internet, the community of those who can systematically can document the reminiscences of that era and those who would like to read about and re-live that era has been brought closer.


    • Thank you, amvaishnav. My main reason for (almost!) worshipping the Internet is that it’s made information so much easier to get. My father, who loves old movies and music, tells us how, when he was a young man in the 50s, all you could hope for was to be able to get the chance to see a film in a theatre, then maybe buy the album, or hope to hear songs on the radio. Today, my father has his own laptop and net connection, so he can go to youtube and listen to some of those really rare old gems any time he wants!

      You think calling films from the 50s and 60s ‘vintage’ is strange? I’ve actually heard people calling films from the 80s ‘vintage’! Oh, god. What next?


  10. I am a scientist by profession and inquisitive regarding old movies…accidentally found yr blog found it really nice, informative and relevant..keep it up dear…


  11. At last (an old song), i found a site that shares my passion for old movies n what more both english n hindi films! Wow, a new year gift. Tq for your site and very detailed info on the old films. Even without watching the movies, i could visualize them through your narrations and stills from the movies.

    I started liking hindi films in the 70s with Bobby but became too busy with my life until after more than 30 years. Love many of the old movies and after watching them, began to try to learn more about the stars. Unfortunately, many had passed on like Nargis, madhubala, sunil dutt. Some i missed most are Raaj Kumar, sunil, nutan. Tq very much for this site.


  12. Hi Dustedoff:

    Thanks so much for creating a site that exactly reflects my passion for old movies, both Hindi and English. I was brought to this site through an innocuous search for the name of the actress who was filmed in the song “Tum apna ranjo-gham” from Shagoon. Not only did I find the answer (Libi Rana) but I ended up spending close to an hour on your website reading your reviews of several other of my favorite old Hindi films (seen primarily for their songs).

    I was going to start a site like this for myself but I think I will have to shelve that plan now. :-) kudos to you!
    Thanks again and I look forward to returning to your website in the future !


    • Neeraj, thank you so much! You just made my day – I’m so glad you enjoyed my blog. And, please – if you do decide to start a blog like this, do go ahead. There are lots of us out here doing similar blogs, and we’re always very excited to find someone else who likes the same type of movies that we do! Don’t shelve that plan. :-)

      Will be looking forward to seeing you back here!


  13. Dear Dusted off ji,

    I have your web site book marked with me, and love visiting it occasionally. I have never left a comment before, but today I do need to connect.

    There is a discussion I would appreciate to get your thoughts and inputs on, relating to a web based project on Hindi film music.

    I would appreciate for you to respond to this message offline, i.e. to my email directly, and I will share more information about this project with you.

    Looking forward to hear from you.



  14. I have been following your blog regularly for quite some time because I also share your interest in old movies – Hindi as well as Hollywood and even more in old film songs. I intend to read your books for the same reason – I like to read mainly suspense stories only outside non-fiction genres. I wish you do more and more interesting sharing of the classic movies and music.


  15. Hi! Madhulika,

    I discovered your blog yesterday and trust me, it’s been impossible for me to put my laptop aside since then! Great reviews and good choice of movies to review. I am more of an old/classic flicks lover myself and I am making my own list of ‘movies yet to watch’ based on your blog :P

    Keep up the good work and I’ve become your ardent follower (on blog space that is)!



  16. Hi. Just came across your blog. What an amazing find! Thank you for all the amazing content. It’s so rare to find good content on Bollywood, especially something that focuses on old Bollywood.
    Will keep coming back. Good luck!


  17. Hey, Read a piece on TOI today on how Delhi is becoming a popular setting for books. You and your book were prominently mentioned with a pic. Was pleasantly surprised. Happy for you! Congratulations!


  18. Hi Madhulika..been a reader on your blog since a long time. Recently read your first book ‘Englishman’s cameo’..I found it quite interesting to read your historical crime story. The way you have juggled between historical references and a crime story was quite good. Maybe I thought the crime story suffered because of your attention to historical details, nevertheless writing a first book on a different genre is not a mean task.

    (One suggestion: To change the photo in your site header..It comes out as too harsh!)


    • Thank you, Shantanu – I’m glad you liked The Englishman’s Cameo. This was the first of a series, so I wanted to establish the historical background, which is why I guess (in hindsight!) the crime angle was a little patchy. Try the sequel, The Eighth Guest & Other Muzaffar Jang Mysteries; that’s more mystery, less historical detail. Most people who’ve read both books (including myself) think that’s a better one than the first.

      Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it? That’s why my blog header is the way it is. I don’t think of it as ‘harsh’. More like ‘drawing attention’. All completely subjective.


  19. nice blog. main Sahir Jee par pdf search kar raha tha aur aapka blog dikha. padke bahut achcha laga. mujhe bhi purani black n white fimein pasand hai. aur ab se main yaha regular aata rahunga. its like nana nani ka ghar :) best of luck :0


  20. I encountered to your blog when I was searching some lyrics of Pakeezah songs. I love old Hindi films and your blog looks awesome as you are introducing many master pieces!
    Mujhe kabhi kabhi aapki is blog ko dekhne aaungi. Aur phir film ke lie kuch comment likhungi. Mujhe aapki blog bahut accha laga.
    By Japani ladki


  21. Wow.
    I just wanted to say I’m really glad I stumbled onto your blog. I know absolutely nothing about Bollywood films, but after reading one of your recent film reviews I’m suddenly completely enamored. Thank you for contributing to my knowledge as a budding cinephile.

    I’m excited to go through your archives to read more of your excellent reviews. :)


  22. Hi! I stumbled on this blog by chance, and I must say- what a discovery! I love cinema and this is just such a treasure :) Thank you and please continue writing.

    Best wishes


  23. I have tried out my hand at collecting the works being carried on the blogosphere, in the form of a blog carnival on golden era of hindi film music.
    The January 2013 edition is @ http://amvaishnav.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/carnival-of-blogs-on-golden-era-of-hindi-film-music-january-2013/

    I am no way a competent writer as you are, so there shall be many gaps that would need improvement. So, I it would be my privilege to be befitted from your valuable suggestions for improvement.


  24. Hi, i just found your blog and like it :)
    I think that Old movies (B&W and a few early technicolor ones) are SOOOO much better then the movies nowdays!
    BUT here is the twist i am only 13. ;)
    please keep up the good work.


    • You’re the third 13-year old to have started visiting my blog in the past few months! Yippee – all is not lost. ;-)

      (Though, to set the record straight, even though I’m so much older than you, I do like quite a lot of colour films, too – mostly from the 60s, but still). Not just the early technicolor ones.


  25. Brilliant blog there — was introduced to this blog by a buddy who visits this quite often by the name of Oldgold –not sure if she visits here by the same name ? :-)
    Very well presented material. Must admit I know very little about old movies but am learning.. The little I’ve seen is very good.


    • Thank you so much! I do have an occasional commenter by the name of Oldgold – haven’t seen her around for a while, though. But am grateful that she thinks highly enough of my blog to recommend it. :-)


  26. Love your blog. Like you, I adore watching old noir movies of the Guru Dutt variety. Inspired by your writings, I decided to watch the old movie, CID, one more time and I am loving it, I must say. I am a writer, documentary film-maker and a teacher. I wish there were more movies of this kind being made today- I liked Johnny Gaddar, and Talash, where the new fare is considered..


    • Thank you for the appreciation, Suzy miss! And I’m so glad you like CID as much as I do. I must admit that though I’ve seen dozens of other Hindi suspense films made in the 50s and 60s, other than CID, none manages to so effectively do noir but still retain that delicious escapism that typifies Hindi cinema. It’s a fantastic film – I wish there were more of them! I liked Talaash (though of course that did bring in a somewhat different element) and Johnny Gaddaar too. And, to some extent, Ek Chalees Ki Last Local.


  27. I love your blog. I am just as obsessed with Indian cinema and Indian film music. Early on in this thread I saw a conversation about whether cinema from the 50s and 60s is vintage. Considering that until recently, I though of any music after 1975 as “new” music, I certainly agree on the “vintage” characterization. My interest in cinema is really through the music, cause the films themselves are not always watchable. But I have fast-forwarded through several films, looking for that obscure Asha or Lata song – quite the opposite of the way most people I know watch cinema.
    Discovering this blog was such a joy for me, to find somebody who seems to be just as passionate. I have recently re-discovered films because both the music and film making have dramatically improved in Indian cinema (I am staying away from the term Bollywood since I associate it only with Hindi films). The advent of composers like A R Rahman, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Vishal Bharadwaj, Sharath, Harris Jayaraj, etc has brought back beautiful melodies with superb orchestration. And singers like Shreya and Shankar Mahadevan just have me over the top. I hope to spend many hours catching up on your older posts and look forward to reading much more.
    One request – any way to make reading the comments easier? The current indentation makes later comments hard to read since they get skinnier and skinnier. And your posts inspire long threads of conversation.

    And I plan to pick up a copy of your book as well – books are another passion of mine. Every visit to India sees me bring back a large amount of music, film and books.


    • Sangeetbhakt (what an appropriate name!), I am so sorry to be responding after ages – I only just noticed your comment today. I do apologise.

      I’m so glad you like my blog. I admit to being utterly and unashamedly biased in favour of vintage films, whether Indian or not. And I’ve noticed that there is, both in Indian films and a lot of Western ones too, a fairly definite line of demarcation between pre-70s and post-70s films. While I do watch quite a few of the latter (and enjoy many of them too), the former have a higher rate of appeal. :-)

      I’m afraid nothing much can be done about the comments – in fact, I changed the format of the blog theme because the previous was causing even more problems in that area. Comments were ending up being only a word long per row when the thread got too long! Sadly, the current format seems to be the best WordPress can manage.

      I do hope you manage to get hold of my book(s) – and that you enjoy them!


      • To be honest, the “60s” which you talk about already ended in the West as early as late 1969 given films like Easy Rider, hippie culture becoming mainstream. In India, I would say, it came a few years late (1972-1974). Either way though, the classic era spanned from 50s to early 80s. Even in the West too, blockbuster films / franchises were not invented until the late 70s whereas in India, piracy as well as the deaths of singers – Kishore Kumar, Mohammed Rafi and the slowing down of Lata Mangeshkar marked a drastic end to the post-independent era. Another funny coincidence is how the classic era ended as soon as it was the 50th anniversary for sound films in USA (1977-78) and India (1981). Not just Hindi cinema. Even Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Bengali cinema were undergoing a huge change. Uttam Kumar died in 1980, and there was a lull until Biswajeet’s Prosenjit Chatterjee burst in the end of the decade. MGR retired in 1977 and his successor Rajinikanth burst onto the scene in 1980. NTR retired in 1982, and his successor Chiranjeevi burst onto the scene in 1984. NTR’s son Balakrishna also made his debut in 1984. ANR switched to character roles in 1984-85 and his son Nagarjuna made his debut in 1986. Sivaji Ganesan’s son debuted in 1982, and Sivaji on the other hand switched to character roles around 1983-84. Rajkumar retired in 1989 and his elder Shivarajkumar made his debut in 1986 and his younger son Raghavendra Rajkumar made his debut in 1989. Silver jubilee runs and platinum jubilee runs decreased after the arrival of VHS (1982). Now with nepotism, Raj Kapoor’s sons made their debut in the early 70s but not really the traditional launchpad way. In the 80s though, there were a wave of films that starred actors of second generation who happened to be children of Manoj Kumar (son debut in 1983), Dharmendra (son debut in 1983), Shashi Kapoor (1st son debut in 1981-82, 2nd son debut in 1986, daughter debut in 1988), Rajendra Kumar (son debut in 1980-81), Sunil Dutt (son debut in 1981), Raj Kapoor’s youngest son debut in 1985, Dev Anand’s son debut in 1984. Even Krishna, a popular Telugu actor from the 70s debuting in mid 60s, his son debuted in 1987-88. Also I see the uninhibited seventies era as an extension of the Shammi Kapoor era. If one were to go by the quality of films, then the 50s is the first and last decade. However, if one goes for overall classical (pertaining to songs, films) its the 50s to early 80s (roughly ending around 1982).


        • You have a valid point. My reason for restricting my blog to pre-70s has nothing to do with such factual matters. It’s all about my own preferences for a certain style of film-making, a certain look, a certain feel, that went out with the coming of bell-bottoms and flashy shirts in Bollywood. I do watch some 70s films now and then (and I watched a lot of them way back in the days of Doordarshan), but beyond that, I find it difficult to watch. The 80s and 90s, especially, were frightful periods for Hindi cinema – and even now, a lot of the very violent, more slick-than-meaningful films turn me off.

          Liked by 1 person

  28. Your blog popped up as one of the links to my search for Joy Mukherjee hit songs … and then I spent a lot more time scanning through your posts … loved your posts, your writing style, and the topics/themes you have written about …
    Curiosity then led me to a search for more info about you, and it is quite a family you folks are … way cool!
    Awesome! ;)


  29. Hi Ma’am

    I have been an avid reader of your blog for more than 1 year now and I have run short of words to be frank. This is one of the best things on internet right now. I share your passion for old claasic bollywood as well as International Cinema and do have deep interest not just in European but also Japanese, Chinese, Latin American and Indian regional movies. I have been running a film website myself with another friend of mine. I mostly write about bollywood right now, some of the things which I would definetely love you to check are my work about Hemant Kumar, Salil da and review of year 1952. I do not write reviews yet but do plan to start on them

    I would be honored if you go through some of the posts and let me know if you have any feedback to share. Here is the website – http://philmistani.in/remembering-1952-the-coming-of-age-for-hindi-music/

    We do have some contemporary stuff too which may interest you, but frankly I do not care even if you do not cast a glance there, but do go through some of the classic stuff :)



    • Hi, thanks for your comment and the appreciation. I’m afraid I just don’t have the time right now to go through your site, but I’ve had a look and – from what I’ve seen of your post on 1951-2 – it sounds very good. Will bookmark it and certainly be back. Thanks!


  30. Totally Mesmerised by your blog…I love old times, old cinema, old world…I keep looking out for these old Interviews with people..How they survived..what fascinated them..I loved Edwina’s Blog…I actually became a part of that story and lived that.And I am sure that there are few people left in this world who love old cinema….Keep up your good work….Reading your Blog Page,gives so much pleasure to people like me and of course great satisfaction to you as well.


  31. I have been enjoying your blog and picking up new (old) movies to watch. Your blog name reminds me of my buying old songs cassets in Delhi. As I was searching for particular songs, the shopkeeper pulled out some old cassettes, saying ‘ aap Walachia nahiin mila, ye aur dekhiye’ the tapes were all dusty but I picked almost all of them since they were all rare to find songs. He dusted them off and my brother who was with me said, ‘inko aur bhi dhool mitti wale dikha do, sub le lengi ‘ :) So now I have those sets dusted off and still playing !
    BTW, it happens only in your lists, that my browser disconnects from the wordpress site within seconds Does not happen when I am reading other blogs. I tried the help section of wordpress, no clues. It could just be my browser. I don’t have your email otherwise I would not have questioned here in the blog.


    • Hehe! That’s a delightful anecdote. Very much the reason why I named this blog Dusted Off.

      I have no idea why your browser behaves the way it does when you access my blog… will try and check it out with WordPress Support. Thanks for drawing that to my attention.


  32. I love your blog and your books. A random discussion with a friend (incidentally also a friend of yours) at my then-workplace about your books led me to this blog. Been following it since then. Unlike most readers, I think I liked The Englishman’s cameo more for the historical details and accuracy. Looking forward to the next instalment in the Muzaffarjang series. And good to see you expanded this blog to include your historical articles (the ones on FB)… :-)


    • Thank you so much! And I’m glad you like the Muzaffar Jang series, too. :-) You have no idea how much it gladdens my heart when anybody tells me they like any part of my writing.

      (By the way, I don’t think you’re the only one who likes the historicity of the MJ books more – lots of people do, and that’s actually my focus too. People who read these books looking for hardcore detective-y thrills are probably going to be a bit disappointed. You need a keen interest in history for them to appeal to you, I think).


      • :-) Historical accuracy and details are the USP of the MJ series. Just like all that medical knowledge is the USP of Kalpana Swaminathan’s detective books. I happen to like those books too. I love history and yes that was the main reason why i picked up The Englishman’s Cameo way back in 2009 – an Indian detective in the Mughal era… Very charming – the detective-y bit wasnt all that important.

        Btw, When is your next book in this series coming out?


  33. I must confess that this is the first blog that I have actually been reviewing frequently let alone sending comments. I landed here accidentally a couple of months ago (and I am glad I did) when I was looking for review of the book “Sun Mere Bandhu Re”. I am so happy that I found this blog because it has so many of the things that are close to my heart – songs, movies and artists from the fifties and sixties era, the golden era of Indian music. It is obvious to me that there is a great degree of alignment in your choices with mine. I find songs that are so dear to me, the ones that didn’t become popular, listed on your lists. Amazed at inclusion of some of my favorite song selections, which I thought not many would recognize, let alone putting them in any of the lists. Of course you are very articulate in your writing which makes this blog all the more attractive for me. For me, I look for songs, primarily because those are the ones that are my main focus but then there are other adorable artists such as Guru Dutt, Johny Walker, Sahir, Gluzar, Shaqueel etc. that I love to read about.

    For the last few weeks I have been reviewing many of your older posts and you have been very kind in responding even though my comments are a good three or four years late. I have been trying to contain myself from posting on many older posts but apologize in advance if that does happen occasionally.

    I love the enthusiasm in your posts along with the discipline your maintain in your choices. I don’t read too many books I admit, I hope I would some day read your books as I see those are on Amazon.

    Keep up the good work!


    • Thank you so much! This is the sort of comment one wants to start the day – and the week – with. :-) You’ve made my week.

      And I do respond to comments even on downright ancient posts, as long as the person making the comment has something sensible to say! – As you have, in all the comments you’ve posted. Thank you, and it’s such a pleasure to come across someone else who’s as keen on old Hindi cinema as I am.


  34. Last time I had dropped in accidentally while looking for Shakila to say few words about her & wish her belated Happy Birthday too. While I was prompt in wishing her again on 1st Jan but sorry I missed on yours on 8th Jan! I wish you too a very very happy belated birthday Madhulika. Frankly I’m not a regular visitor to your blog but owing to rare material on old Hindi films & music I’m dragged in once in a while.


    • Thank you so much! And even if you’re only an occasional visitor to my blog, that’s still all right – in fact, I am touched that someone who’s not a regular visitor should have cared to wish me for my birthday. Thanks!


      • There is yet one more reason, a very simple one, that I can’t forget your b’day – it coincides with that of my daughter as well. Incidentally, this time I nearly forgot my daughter’s b’day too hadn’t my wife reminded me just a day before. As I believe in astrology I have high hopes for her future too when seeing you shine as a successful woman in the field you are in.


  35. Hi ,
    ever since i visited your write ups 9 the term ” blogging ” is new to me ) , i read your some post too often. I don’t find proper words to express my views about your blogging , in one sentence , can say , i read then frequently.
    I have collected some 3500 videos of songs of Late Mr. Mohd. Rafi , over a period of last two months from various sources and plan to have collection of more than 1,00,000 songs by year end.
    Your blogging has prompted me to that.
    Regards ;
    Jayant Atrey
    Yavatmal ( Maharashtra )
    P.S.: I have done my own playlist of songs , wherein Indian classical dances are main theme.


  36. Hi Madhulika, came across your blog while looking for river songs and got immersed in quite a bit more! I love old Hindi film songs too and what I’ve read of your posts is delightful! Look forward to catching up on many more…


  37. I am a big old hindi movies buff. I am so glad to recently bump into your blog/site. Very very pleased and impressed. Reading your blogs is how i have been ending my day for a week now. Thanks.


  38. Dear dustedoff, a couple of months ago,, we were speaking about old tamil movies and the absence of subtitles. This movie, ethir neechal, one of the best 60s movies made in tamil, has subtitles. It is available in youtube. Ethir neechal by rajshri tamil movies. It is a nagesh movie. If you find the time to review it, it would be great. Regards, nightlake


    • Thank you so much! I found it and bookmarked it, so will watch it soon. Thankfully, since it’s on Rajshri’s own site, the chances of it staying online and not being summarily taken off are bright. Thanks so much for the recommendation – I am always immensely grateful to people who point me to good non-Hindi Indian films that have been subtitled.


  39. Pingback: આમવૃક્ષ (મૂળ વાર્તાકાર : મધુલિકા લિડલ || ભાવાનુવાદક : વલીભાઈ મુસા) | હળવા મિજાજે

  40. In one of your reviews of ‘ western’ movies, you had mentioned that you like the westerns sans the bloodletting. I think, i had suggested the BIG COUNTRY of GREGORY PECK, a nice western but with great ethical values. There is an outstanding western WARLOCK starring
    ..Watch “Henry Fonda, Anthony Quinn | A famous gunman becomes the marshal of Warlock to end a gang’s rampages” on YouTube

    I am afraid that you have not reviewed any film starring them.
    And sometimes, ‘western films’ can be humourous as well.
    Thanks to youtube, i have seen three or four film in the TRINITY series starring BUD SPENCER and TERENCE HILL.
    THEY CALL ME TRINITY is one such lighthearted western.
    Readers with familiarity with the Bible will enjoy it more.
    It surely desrves a review by you as it has a unique story line and absolutely ravishing photography of a valley.
    I am frankly amazed by your output in so many fields..film songs, novels, short stories, film reviews that too in many languages, and patiently replying .

    Liked by 1 person

  41. i happened to view some great flms last month. Have you explored the cult classics channel in youtube? There are dozens of suprtb films there, all black and white, of the best years of Hollywood. Recently saw My darling Clientene starring Henry Fonda. Directed by Henry Ford. It is supposed to be a western film but amazingly, an undercurrent of tragedy and pathos, runs through every frame. Frankly, i was moved to tears by the great film. The director had transformed an oldwest story of family feud and vengence into an unforgettably gentle, and moving and heartrending unspoken deep romance. So very decent. 

    Liked by 1 person

  42. i want to share this titbit about the film. Doctor Haliday was a qualified dental surgeon. He belonged to a very respectable family in the American East coast , north east. He learned about his being a TB patient after a few successful years of medical practice. He had recieved classical education in Latin even and he knew his Shakespeare by heart. He became bitter and reckless due to his premonition of early death and with irascible temper , gained notoriety as a sharp shooter.

    The other film about the friendship between Marshal Wyat Erp and Doc Haliday, Gunfight at OKCarol, does not mention about


    Though perhaps a truer to history film about Doc and Erp, it is the genius of the director John Ford to have created Cementine and an immortal classic. Though Wyat Erp adores Clementine from the very first moment, he perhaps knew that she was the betrothed girl of his idol Doc Haliday and fervently wishes that Clementine weds Haliday.

    One is struck by the great etiquette shown by Erp to women in general.

    One must look for the scene where an actor recites the lines from the BARD’s HAMLET and even as he forgets the lines, Doc Haliday completes the missing lines to the wonderment and respect of Wyat Erp.

    What a great scene, a notorious fighter quoting Shakespeare even better than the professional stage actor! and the lines truly reflect the situation.

    What a classic indeed.!


  43. May I request you to view and review tje 1964 tamil film?

    NAVARAATHRI. Sivaji Ganesan’s 100th film. Savithri was the heroine.

    the film is average but Sivaji Ganesan acted in nine roles. Spectacular.

    Watch “நவராத்திரி Full Movie l Sivaji Ganesan l Savithri l Nagesh l Kutty Padmini l APN Films Channel” on YouTube

    hindi subtitles have been give

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for this recommendation. I wanted to watch it, but the subtitles are auto-generated and very garbled. Will make a note and try and see if I can find it elsewhere.


      • In this clip from Navaraathri film, Sivaji Ganesan acts as a rich philanthrophjst once, who is devastated by leprosy. In the next episode, he acts as a TYPICAL rjral drama company’s star performer. 100 percent perfext. After all he had acted for a decade in such drams trojpes before entering cine field in 1952.

        In many ways, he is like Uttam Kumar but sijvaji is incomparable.


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